
Our Services

Dental Hygiene

Professional dental cleanings (dental prophylaxis) are usually performed by Registered Dental Hygienists. Your cleaning appointment will include a dental exam and the following:

  • Removal of calculus (tartar):
    Calculus is hardened plaque that has been left on the tooth for some time and is now firmly attached to the tooth surface. Calculus forms above and below the gum line and can only be removed with special dental instruments.

  • Removal of plaque:
    Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film that forms on the teeth. It is a growing colony of living bacteria, food debris, and saliva. The bacteria produce toxins (poisons) that inflame the gums. This inflammation is the start of periodontal disease!

  • Teeth polishing:
    Remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during tooth brushing and scaling.
Periodontal Scaling & Root Planing

The objective of scaling & root planing is to remove etiologic agents which cause inflammation to the gingival (gum) tissue and surrounding bone. Common etiologic agents removed by this conventional periodontal therapy include dental plaque and tartar (calculus).

These non-surgical procedures which completely cleanse the periodontium, work very effectively for individuals suffering from gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) and moderate/severe periodontal disease.

Antibiotic Treatment

Periodontal disease is a progressive condition which leads to severe inflammation and tooth loss if left untreated. Antibiotic treatments can be used in combination with scaling and root planing, curettage, surgery or as a stand-alone treatment to help reduce bacteria before and/or after many common periodontal procedures.

Antibiotic treatments come in several different types, including oral forms and topical gels which are applied directly into the gum pockets. Research has shown that in the case of acute periodontal infection, refractory periodontal disease, prepubertal periodontal disease and juvenile periodontal disease, antibiotic treatments have been incredibly effective.

Antibiotics can be prescribed at a low dose for longer term use, or as a short term medication to deter bacteria from re-colonizing.

Pocket Reduction Surgery

Pocket reduction surgery (also known as gingivectomy, osseous surgery and flap surgery) is a collective term for a series of several different surgeries aimed at gaining access to the roots of the teeth in order to remove bacteria and tartar (calculus).

The human mouth contains dozens of different bacteria at any given time. The bacteria found in plaque (the sticky substance on teeth) produce acids that lead to demineralization of the tooth surface, and ultimately contribute to periodontal disease.

Periodontal infections cause a chronic inflammatory response in the body that literally destroys bone and gum tissues once they invade the subgingival area (below the gum line). Gum pockets form and deepen between the gums and teeth as the tissue continues to be destroyed.

Periodontal disease is a progressive condition which, if left untreated, causes massive bacteria colonization in gum pockets can lead to teeth falling out. Pocket reduction surgery is an attempt to alleviate this destructive cycle, and reduce the depth of the bacteria-harboring pockets.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide a fixed solution to having removable partial or complete dentures. Implants provide excellent support and stability for these dental appliances.

Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth (usually titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone by a Periodontist - a specialist of the gums and supporting bone. The teeth attached to implants are very natural looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile!

Dental implants are very strong, stable, and durable and will last many years, but on occasion, they will have to be re-tightened or replaced due to normal wear.

Millennium Laser LANAP and LAPIP

LANAP®, or Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, is an advanced method of treatment for gum disease that enables certain periodontal procedures to be performed in a safer, more precise and less invasive manner than with traditional surgical methods. Using LANAP, cases of periodontitis can be addressed without the pain, gum line recession, or increased tooth sensitivity that is often associated with other treatments that are used at this stage of periodontal disease.

A LANAP Procedure, employs a PerioLase® MVP-7TM laser to selectively vaporize the inflamed and diseased tissue beneath the gum line that is inside of a periodontal pocket, while leaving the healthy tissue intact. This advanced laser technology also targets and kills the bacteria that cause gum disease and helps to facilitate the healthy reattachment of supporting tissues to the surface of the tooth’s root. Since treatment with LANAP effectively reduces the depth of periodontal pockets and promotes the regeneration of bone around a tooth, it may also be helpful in saving a periodontally involved tooth that might otherwise have an unfavorable prognosis. Furthermore, as LANAP is a minimally invasive method, the patient experiences less discomfort and less bleeding both during and after treatment. In addition, recovery time from the procedure and healing at the site of treatment are quicker.

For more information about the services we provide please click on "YOUR PERIODONTAL HEALTH" or please feel free to call either office with any questions.

Forest Hills, Queens

Mon: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Thu: Closed

Upper East Side, Manhattan

Tue: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Fri: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
